Today's Beautiful Hadith is about Disputes
A reminder of honouring others – be it their family, character or property, it is not allowed to take from anyone unjustly. Reflect before you act, and you’ll insha’Allah make the path to Jannah easier for yourself.
Narrated Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Al-Harith (RA): from Abu Salama bin `Abdur-Rahman (RA) who had a dispute with some people on a piece of land, and so he went to `Aisha and told her about it. She said, "O Abu Salama, avoid the land, for Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, 'Any person who takes even a span of land unjustly, his neck shall be encircled with it down seven earths.' "
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 59, Hadith 6)
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