Must Read


All Praise belongs to ALLAH, the Lord of world. O ALLAH Bestow your peace and blessing on the zeal of Apostles, Mohammad Bn Abdillah and on his household and disciples.

Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

People of exemplary character and excellent human values are found in all ages and epochs. There is no doubt about that. But ages and epochs are unequal in their shares of such people. Some centuries and generations are more enriched and more blessed than others when juxtaposed basically on the maximum population of great men of honourable character that do live in them.

Of all centuries, era and times, the generation of the Holy and Noble Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) received the highest bliss of ALLAH (SWT) as it owned the best set of mankind that had ever lived on this planet.

It is true, a perfect truth indeed, that ages before that of the holy Prophet contained great apostles and messengers of ALLAH (SWT) along with honourabl]e disciples and followers notwithstanding, it is also true that the Holy Prophet Mohammad and his “Sahabah” established the perfect and everlasting state and government based on the Shar’ah or Law of ALLAH. In other words the teaching, guidance and values propagated by the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his Sahabah have stood the test of time. Those teaching, guidance and values so remain because they are enshrined in the word of ALLAH. ALLAH says:

“And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can change His Word. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower”. Qur’an 6: 115.

Towing the lane of preaching the virtues of the great companions of the Holy Prophet, it should be noted that they were made of two distinct groups, namely: the Muajirun and the Ansar. Al-Muajirun are the Emigrants (from makkah to Al-Madinah), while the Al-Ansar are citizens of Al Madinah who helped and accommodated the Emigrants.

The Muajirun were the first set of people to accept Al-Islam in Makkah when the Holy Prophet sprang to communicate the divine message of ALLAH (SWT) in Makkah, the place of his birth. They stood by the Prophet when he was faced with the hostility of the Mekkans. They were persecuted along with him. They faced persecution after persecution with firm and absolute endurance.

In retrospect, it should be mentioned that the first Muslim at the instance of revelation was Khadijah as she was the first person to heard from the Prophet about the celestial connection. Next to her in submission to ALLAH was the Holy Prophets Cousin, Ali, and his servant, Zaid Bn Hariz. They were both very young and were yet to attain puberty. Within a short period of time and on the same day of their embrace of Islam, Abubakar, the bosom friend of the prophet came into the fold of Islam. The first set of women to accept Al-Islam after Khadijah were Umu Aeman, Umu fadl ,the wife of Abbass, Asmau, the daughter of Abubakr and Fatimah, the sister of Umar Bn Khatab. The population of the Muslims had swollen up to thirty-nine when Umar Bn Khattab submitted himself to the holy Prophet as a Muslim: three days after Hamzah, an uncle of the Prophet, had embraced the Deen of ALLAH (Mohammad Riddah: 106). The Islam of Umar and Hamzah took place six years after the prophethood of Mohammad (SAW) and a year after the first migration of the Muslims to Abyssinia (Ethiopia).

The first Hijrah or migration to Abyssinia was held in the fifth year of the birth of Islam (610 A.D) and at the instance of persecution of the Muslims by the infidels of Makkah. At the head of the emigrants, who were sixteen in numbers, was Uthman Bn Affan. They were well-received by King of Abyssinia and were accorded laudable hospitality.

News about entrance of Umar Bn Khattab into the fold of Islam reached the Muslims abroad. The news gave their hearts a stir to return to Makkah as they believed Hamzah and Umar’s embrace of Islam must have given the Muslims at Makkah emancipation to an extent.

The supposition of the emigrants was wrong. On their return to Makkah the oppression and persecution of the Quraish were made double on them. The Quraish did go on inflicting cruelty and suffering on the Muslims. Therefore, the Muslims were commanded by the Prophet to re-emigrate to Ethiopia. Thereupon, Uthman said: “O Messenger of ALLAH, Our first and latest migrations are made to the land of Abyssinia, and you are not going with us.” ALLAH’s Messenger there and then replied: “you are emigrants to ALLAH and to me. To you belong the rewards of the two migrations. And Uthman said: “That is enough for us. O Messenger of ALLAH”.

For the second migration to Abyssinia were seventy-three men and eleven women amongst whom was Ja’far Bn Abi Tolib.

So as to deny the Muslims the reception and hospitality of the Abyssinia's King, the Quraish delegated two men with mouthwatering gifts to the king in order to extradite them to Makkah. The infidels were disappointed as the King turned down their evil request after he had listened to Ja’far Bn Abi Tolib, who in a bid to save the migrants, explained the religion of Islam and defined the mission of the Holy Prophet in a speech full of rhetoric and valour (Abd Jabbar 1952: 35). Hear what he said:

We were people of ignorance. We worshipped Idols and ate dead animals. We engaged in sins and cut the relations of kinship. We acted cruelly to neighbour and the powerful amongst us oppressed the weak. We so remain in attitude and behaviour until ALLAH raised amongst us a messenger whose dynasty, truth, trustworthiness and simplicity we had known. He (the messenger) then called us to believe in oneness of God and to avoid associating idols whatsoever with Him. He commanded us to speak the truth, do good to neighbours and to keep aloof from forbidden things and shedding of blood. He admonished us against committing sins and telling lies just as he warned us against dominating property of the orphans. He enjoined us to offer Salat fasting, Zakat and Hajj”.

At the end of his speech, Ja’far recited the beginning verses of Suratul Maryam (i.e. Qur’an: Chapter 19).

It was this eloquent speech of Ja’afar that caused the king and his priests and monks to embrace the Deen of ALLAH. In fact ALLAH (SWT) refers to them when He says (inter alia):

“And you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: “We are Christians”. That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud (Qur’an 5: 82)”.

Those Muajirun (emigrants) enjoyed the hospitality accorded them by the Ethiopians so much so that only thirty-three men and eight women amongst them were later to leave for Medinah when the news got to them that the Prophet and some Muslims had finally migrated to Medinah as guests of the Ansar.

The Muajiruns are only a branch of the whole population of the Sahabah. The other branch is the Ansar. The Ansar has earlier been defined as the good people of Medinah who embraced Islam and invited the Holy Prophet and believers from Mekkah to live and propagate the Deen of ALLAH in Medinah. The Muajirun and the Ansar were the twin groups that formed an entity called Al-ASHAB or AS’SAHABAH. To buttress this statement, it is ALLAH’S tradition to mention the Muajirun and the Ansar one after the other in certain glorious verses of the Holy Qur’an. In at-Taubah (Qur’an 9: 177), the Almighty says:

ALLAH has forgiven the Prophet, the muhajirun (Muslims emigrants who left their home and came to Al-Madinah) and the Ansar (Muslims of Madinah) who followed him (Mohammad) in the time of distress. (Tabuk expedition); and after the hearts of a party of them had nearly deviated (from the right path, but He accepted their repentance. Certainly, He is unto them Full of kindness, Most Merciful.”

In Al-Hashr (Qur’an 59:7-8) ALLAH, the Most Beneficent, while explaining how booty should be shared, refers to Al-Muajirun thus:

(And there is also a share in this booty) for the poor emigrants, who were expelled from their homes and their property, seeking Bounties from ALLAH and to please Him and helping ALLAH and His Messenger (Mohammad) such are indeed the truth (to what they say).”

And to Ansar he refers:

“And (it is also for) those who, before them, had homes (in AL-Madinah) and had adopted the faith, love those who emigrate to them and have no jealousy in their breasts for that which they have been given (from the booty of Banu. An-Nadir) and give them (emigrants) preference over themselves even though they were in need of that. And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, such are they who will be the successful”.

The Ansar for the first time got in touch with ALLAH’S Deen when seven men from amongst the tribes of Khazraj and Khaos came to Makka from Medinah for the purpose of the annual pilgrimage as was the custom in pre-Islamic era. The Prophet (SAW) went out to meet them at Jamaratul-aqobah and announced to them the religion of ALLAH. They, there and then, believed in the Holy Prophet (SAW) and they said amongst themselves that he was “the last Apostle the Jew have been talking about” and that they would be the first set of Medinites to embrace the religion of ALLAH and His Prophet (SAW).

The first seven men of the Ansar are namely: As’ad Bn Dhurarah, Haof Bn Harith, Rafih Bn Malik, Aamir Bn Abd Haritha Qutbah Bn Aamir, Uqbah Bn Aamir and Jabir Bn Abdullah Bn Rabab.

When the pilgrims got back home, they spread the news about the Holy Prophet and Islam to their people who did not hesitate to embrace Islam even though they were yet to meet the holy Prophet (Mohammad Riddah 1975: 123).

In the following year which was the twelfth year of Prophet hood of Mohammad (SAW), twelve men from Medinah arrived Makkah for the annual pilgrimage intending to meet the Holy Prophet (SAW) and embrace Al Islam. There at the Aqobah, they became Muslims and gave their pledge to Allah’s messenger that they will not associate nothing whatsoever with ALLAH (SWT). That they will not steal; that they will not fornicate nor commit adultery; that they will not kill their offsprings; that they will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood; and that they will not disobey ALLAH (SWT).

This pledge is always referred to as the pledge of the women in that it contents share the same meaning with verse 12 of chapter 60 of the holy Qur’an that reads:

“O Prophet! When believing women come to you to give you the pledge that they will not associate anything in worship with ALLAH, that they will not steal, that they will not commit illegal sexual intercourse, that they will not kill their children, that they will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood (i.e. making illegal children belonging to their husbands and that they will not disobey you in all that which Islam ordains) then, accept their pledge and ask ALLAH to forgive them. Verily, ALLAH is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

When the twelve men from Medinah were returning home, the holy Prophet (SAW) appointed for them Mas’ab Bn Umaer Bn Hashim as Imam and teacher who would teach them the Qur’an and Islam.

The twelve men, nine from among the tribe of Khazraj and three from among the clan of Haws, were appointed by ALLAH’s messenger as leaders of the Ansar.

The twelves men are namely: Sa’ad Bn Ubadah, As’ad Bn Zararah, Saad Bn Robih, Saad Bn Khuthaimah and Al Muzir Bn Amru. Others are Abdullah Bn Rawaha, Al Barah Bn Ma’rur, Abuli Aetham Bn Tihaan, Asyad Bn Hathir, Abdullah Bn Amru, Ubadah Bn Somit and Rafih Bn Malik Bn Ajlaan.

ALLAH’S messenger, accompanied by Abu Bakr, later emigrated to Medinah. His emigration took place on Monday the 12th of Robiu Al-awway in the year 622 A.D.

The life of the Sahabah was full of oppression, persecution, wars, struggles, victory and peace. Their life was replete with virtues and sound morals. Their life was of great values and excellent parables. The real spirit of brotherhood and affection was exhibited by their attitudes and behaviours. They were the utmost paradigms of humanity. They were strong and bold when defending the course of justice and peace. But they were merciful among themselves showing humility to one another.

Umar Bn Khatab showed a good example of humility. Whenever he referred to Abubakr and Bilaal he would say:

“Abubakr is our leader, he librated our leader Bilaal (from slavery).”

And Bilaal too. Whenever he heard people pouring eulogy on him he would bow and shed tears saying:

“I am but an Abyssinian … I was yesterday a slave…!” (Khalid 2002: 60).

And here was Abubakr, the merciful friend and disciple of ALLAH’s Messenger. He librated seven slaves, among whom were Bilaal and Aamir, at a time when they were being punished severely by their masters. Whenever people started to eulogize him, he would say:

“O Lord, about me you know the best. And I know more about myself than they do. O Lord let me be better than they assume and forgive them of their ignorance and punish me not because of what they say”.

Abubakr was a role model with respect to perseverance. He left all his family and belongings while he chose to emigrate with the holy Prophet (SAW). He remained with the Prophet in the cave in which they hid for three days without food nor drink. He is the one referred to by ALLAH (SWT) as “the second of the two” in Qur’an (9:40). ALLAH says:

“If you help him (Mohammad), for ALLAH did indeed help him when the disbelievers drove him out, the second of the two; when they were in the cave, he said to his companion (Abubakr): “Be not sad (or afraid) surely ALLAH is with us”. Then ALLAH sent down His Sakinah (Calmness, tranquility, peace) upon him and strengthened him with forces (angels) which you saw not, and made the word of those who disbelieved the lower most, while the word of ALLAH that become the upper most; and ALLAH is the Almighty, All-wise.”

Abubakr used to milk the sheep of his neighbours for them to drink. When he was thereafter appointed the successor to the Holy Prophet, a woman neighbour now said; “He shall no more milk the sheep”. When that statement got to the hearing of Abubakr He retorted; “I swear that I shall go on milking for you (my neighbours). My new position cannot change me from my normal behaviour”.

Abubakr engaged himself in such domestic and mundane task till he met his Lord! (Mohammadu Riddah 1975: 71).

Perseverance, patience and selflessness were also exhibited by Ali when he risked his life so as to save the Prophet (SAW) from the infidels when they plotted to kill him. He deliberately lied on the Prophet’s bed in order to distract the attention of the assassins from getting to know about the Prophet's 'emigration from Makkah.

Brave as he was, he never appreciates his acts of valour. He rather appreciated those of other disciples, he once said of Umar Bn Khatab:

“As far as I know, every emigrant lived the city of Makkah in secret except Umar Bn Khatab. When he had decided to emigrate (to Medinah) he put on his sword, shoulder his (pack of) arrow and went to the Ka’aba (the Black House) where he met the giants of Quraish sitting. He circled the Holy Ka’aba seven times. He then offered two raka’a at the Al-Moqam. He thereafter came to the circle of the (powerful) Quraish leaders and said to them: “Eyes now see obscurely who wish his mother to weep for him and wish his son to become an orphan and wish his wife become a widow, should meet me at the end of the valley”. None of them followed Umar (Mohammad Riddah 1975: 107).”

What a great charity, the charity of Uthman Bn Affaan, what a great charity, the charity of Abder-Rahman Bn Hawf. They both spent all they possessed in properties and money in the course of God. They dole-out charity to the poor and the denied.

The Prophet (SAW) once called upon Abder-Rahman Bn Hawf and said: O Ibn Hawf, you are among the rich, yet you shall enter paradise crawling. Lend ALLAH a loan so he can free your feet”.

Henceforth, Abder Rahaman Bn Hawf went on spending on the path of ALLAH. And ALLAH rewarded him manifold increase. He bought hectares of land with forty thousand Dinnars and shared them our amongst his kindred and amongst the Mothers-of-the- Believers and amongst the poor.

When he was dying, he willed fifty thousand Dinnars for the course of ALLAH four hundred Dinnars for each of the companions of ALLAH’S Messenger that fought at Badr. Even Uthman who also rich enough had his shares of the inheritance and said:

“The property left behind by Abder-Rahman was of permissible source. Every taste from it is a blessing”.

(Khalid 2002: 345).

Dear Brother and Sisters in Islam,

Those are virtues Muslims of today should endeavour to emulate in order to attain the glory in this world and in the hereafter. To be candid, it is when we’ve striven to live the life of the Sahabah that we can claim to attain humanity in all its ramifications. Our generation can never be like the first generation of Muslims though; we should take after them like the earlier generations that came after them did.

There is a popular and sound Prophetic tradition that says: “the best of generations is my generation. Next in rank to it is the generation that comes after it. And next in rank to that generation is another generation that follows it”.

Even though we can never be like the Sahabah in closeness to ALLAH (SWT) no matter how we strive to be so, yet we should try harder to emulate them expecting the reward of ALLAH and His forgiveness on the resurrection day.


§ Abdel Jabbar, Umar (1952) Khulazatul Nurul-Yakeen; Cairo, Matbahal Mustapha Al-Al Baaby Wa Aoladihi.

§ AL-Hilali, M.T. Khan, M.M.: Translation of the meanings of the noble Qur’an in the English Language; Medinah, K.S.A., King Fahd complex for the printing of the Holy Qur’an.

§ Khalid, Mohammad Khalid (2002) Rijaal Aolar-Rasool: Beirut, Dar El Fikr – Printers. Publishers – Distributors.

§ Ridoh, Mohammad (1975) Mohammad Rosululah (SAW): Beirut, Dar el Kutub el – Umiyah.



Murtada Busairi Ahmad

Presented on February 24th 2005 (Muharram 16th, 1426 A.H) at the Federal Palace Hotel at a Forum Organised by Forum for Islamic Education and Welfare.


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