Al-Hajjaaj ibn Yusuf, in one of his military campaigns, took a woman, her husband, son and brother as captives. He decided to spare the life of the woman and kill her male relatives. However, he decided to lighten the impact of the impending calamity on the woman. So he asked her to choose which of the three she would want him spared. Of course, he expected her to choose her son. But he was disappointed. The woman chose her brother! When he probed her for this seemingly ‘weird’ choice, she explained, “If you kill my husband, I would find another man to marry; if you kill my son, I may beget another son; but if you kill my brother, never would I be able to get a replacement for him, for my father and mother are already deceased!” Moved by her insightful and beautifully worded response, Al-Hajjaj pardoned all the three! (See: Muhadaraatil-Udabaa p.145) Lesson: Maintain good relationship with your siblings and bear their excesses with patience; for you may not find replacement for t...